Kishori IVF


Explore our facilities for Your Fertility Care


Sonography, employing high-frequency sound waves, enables non-invasive imaging of reproductive organs. It’s pivotal in diagnosing conditions impacting fertility, such as polycystic ovaries, uterine abnormalities, or testicular pathologies. The method aids in monitoring follicular development, evaluating uterine receptivity, and identifying potential obstacles to conception, providing crucial insights for fertility assessments and treatment planning.

Comprehensive Counselling:

Comprehensive counselling, conducted by fertility specialists, encompasses emotional support and detailed education about fertility concerns and available treatments. This personalized guidance assists individuals or couples facing reproductive challenges in understanding their options, managing stress, and making informed decisions regarding fertility treatments, considering medical, emotional, and ethical aspects.


Male and Female Infertility Testing and Protocol Mapping:

Comprehensive evaluations, including hormonal, anatomical, and genetic assessments, are conducted to discern factors contributing to infertility in both men and women. These assessments, ranging from hormone profiling and semen analysis to hysterosalpingograms and ovarian reserve testing, culminate in customized treatment protocols addressing identified issues, optimizing the chances of conception.

Automated Semen Analysis:

Utilizing automated techniques for semen analysis enables precise and rapid assessment of sperm parameters critical in male fertility. This method evaluates sperm concentration, motility, morphology, and vitality, providing essential data for diagnosing male infertility and guiding appropriate treatment strategies.

DNA Fragmentation:

DNA fragmentation analysis assesses sperm DNA integrity, identifying disruptions or abnormalities in genetic material that could hinder fertility or compromise reproductive outcomes. This specialized test offers crucial insights into the quality of sperm genetic material and its potential impact on fertility and pregnancy success rates.

Genetic Testing:

Employing advanced molecular methods, genetic testing identifies inherited or acquired genetic factors affecting fertility. This analysis enables personalized treatment approaches and reproductive counseling, particularly for individuals carrying genetic conditions impacting reproductive health.

Cryopreservation Programmes

Cryopreservation involves freezing and storing embryos, eggs, or sperm for future use. This preservation method maintains fertility options for individuals undergoing medical treatments affecting fertility or wishing to preserve reproductive cells for family planning purposes.

Donor Programme:

The donor programme provides access to donated gametes or embryos for individuals or couples facing infertility. Donated sperm, eggs, or embryos offer opportunities to achieve parenthood through assisted reproductive techniques, addressing challenges related to gamete or embryo availability.


TESA is a surgical procedure extracting sperm directly from the testicles, utilized in cases where sperm retrieval from the ejaculate is challenging or in cases of obstructive azoospermia. This method enables the retrieval of viable sperm for use in assisted reproductive techniques such as IVF or ICSI.

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma):

PRP therapy utilizes concentrated platelets derived from the patient’s blood to potentially improve fertility. The application of PRP aims to enhance reproductive organ health, stimulate tissue repair, and create a favorable environment for conception by releasing growth factors and promoting cellular regeneration. This adjunct therapy holds promise in optimizing fertility outcomes.